From Canazei to Moena – the 7 municipalities of the Fassa Valley
When you enter the Fassa Valley from the nearby Fiemme valley, the first municipality that you will encounter is Moena. This is followed by Soraga, Vigo di Fassa, Pozza di Fassa, Mazzin di Fassa, Campitello di Fassa and Canazei. That is a total of 7 municipalities, which are accompanied by various districts (including Pera di Fassa, Campestrin, Fontanazzo, Alba di Canazei and Penia). Moena is situated in a pleasant valley, where the Rio San Pellegrino and Rio Costalunga streams – which originate from the passes of the same name – flow into the River Avisio. The Val di Fassa is at its widest in the municipalities of Vigo and Pozza, located in the centre; after that it becomes narrower and progressively higher (Moena at 1,200 m and Canazei at 1,500 m). The upper Fassa Valley tends to curve eastwards, which gives the valley its typical U-shaped conformation. The other passes in the valley are Sella, which leads into the nearby Val Gardena, Pordoi, and Fedaia, which connect the area to the Veneto region. To find out more about how to reach the Fassa Valley, you can consult the “How to Get Here” page.
The residents in the Fassa Valley total 8, 621. The most populated municipality is Moena, with 2567 residents, while the smallest is Mazzin with 422 residents. During the tourist seasons, given the high influx of visitors, the population of the Val di Fassa increases noticeably and can even reach ten times the number of residents.